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About funnu

“funnu” is the alter ego of Rajiv Fonia. Rajiv Fonia is a human who lives on Earth; he was born in Chamoli, Uttarakhand (formerly a part of Uttar Pradesh), India on 22nd of August at 2:00 A.M. in the morning.

Rajiv Fonia is 5 feet 4 inches tall; weighs 64 kilos; wears spectacles (myopic) and he loves doing nothing at all. Sleeping and eating are his favorite pass-time. But he realizes that he cannot fulfill his dream of sleeping and eating in all the luxuries of the world by doing nothing. And now he has goals in his life.

And then there was me (funnu); who started to find out things that he can do in order to fulfill the dream of Rajiv Fonia. In this process I developed so many dreams myself. I wanted to pursue many fields. The first thing that I realized was that I loved to draw; so all along my childhood I drew. And during my 10th and 12th I realized that I was good at writing computer programs and doing maths. I enjoyed finding out logic in things and then implementing them. I hardly could found time to draw; due to the rigors of 12th in India. I was sad that I was not able to thing I love but was happy with programs and maths. Although not as happy as I was with drawing. The next thing that I felt I enjoyed doing was playing guitar. Although I had never listened to songs in my life, I liked playing the chords and notes. I did learn playing some songs too. The funny thing is I listened to them after I learned playing the songs. Now I did not have time to draw, or make programs, or even do maths. I was sad again; since I could not do these stuff. I could not find time to do these lovely things. All I could do in my empty time was play guitar. Then I realized something, that there are so many things in this world that I love doing. Then why am I wasting time and not doing them. I found the answer; because the main task of funnu is to fulfill the dream of Rajiv Fonia. And I was all along trying to accomplish that; so as of the present time I am undergoing some negotiations with Rajiv Fonia.

In my blogs you will find all the stuff that I think about and much of the stuff that interested me, baffled me, or amused me.